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Learn About Hempworx /
Hemp CBD Worx

hemp plant
jenna zwagil hempworx

Cultivating Wellness Through Nature

HempWorx is a company that was born out of a passion for harnessing the potential of hemp and its natural healing properties. Founded by Jenna Zwagil, the company is based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and has rapidly become a prominent player in the CBD industry. 


Jenna Zwagil was inspired by the potential benefits of CBD and its role in promoting overall wellness. She envisioned a company that would provide high-quality, hemp-derived CBD products to help people lead healthier lives.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in hemp plants. It is one of many cannabinoids that interact with the body's endocannabinoid system to promote wellness and balance.


It supports a healthy immune system and brain function, and it promotes a healthy mood. It can even improve the appearance of your skin. In short, CBD supports what makes you, you. Hemp CBD Worx!


Unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating and will not cause a 'high.' Our CBD products are made with pure CBD isolate or full-spectrum hemp extract to provide the benefits of the whole plant. 



what is cbd


Quality and Transparency

HempWorx places a strong emphasis on quality control and transparency. They source their hemp from organic farms in the United States, ensuring that their products are free from pesticides, herbicides, and other contaminants. The company is known for its commitment to providing third-party lab testing results to customers, allowing them to verify the purity and potency of their products. 


Product Range

HempWorx offers a diverse range of CBD products to cater to various customer needs. This includes full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures, broad-spectrum CBD oils (THC-free), CBD topicals, CBD gummies, and pet-friendly CBD products. Each product is crafted with care to provide users with the potential benefits of CBD. 



HempWorx is dedicated to educating its customers about CBD and its potential benefits. They provide resources, articles, and information to help people make informed choices about incorporating CBD into their wellness routines. 


Customer-Centric Approach

HempWorx has built a loyal customer base through exceptional customer service and a commitment to meeting their needs. They offer a 60-day money-back guarantee to ensure customer satisfaction.

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